Information On Travelling Abroad

Travel is the movement of humans between many different local or remote geographical locations over a period of time. Travel can be self-organized, by automobile, bicycle, foot, car, train, plane, boat or other mode, with or without personal luggage, and may be one-way or round trip journey. Travel dates are often identified in terms of days, weeks or months. Daylong trips are called journeys, while round-trip journeys usually take at least 3 days. The places covered when traveling are specified as well.


A travel itinerary may be broken down by types of travel such as commercial/office travel, pleasure/ leisure travel, humanitarian aid/relief, medical/aids/social service, and remote travel. The type of travel may require specific visas. It’s very important to understand the entry requirements for each country that one plans to travel to.

Travel vaccines are required for travelers. In many cases, travel advisory alerts provide information on travel vaccines recommended for traveling to certain countries or regions. Travelers should be advised to seek the advice of local doctors on matters such as local outbreaks of diseases that are seasonal in nature. Some travelers may also need to acquire travel vaccines before leaving on their journey.

Traveling outside of the United States requires obtaining an immunization against illness brought into the country or the traveler may need to take an international vaccination against diseases not available in their home country. For example, Europe has a disease called typhoid fever, which is highly infectious. typhoid fever is caused by parasites that can easily enter the body through water, food or the hands. Travelers outside of the United States are advised to obtain a personal protective equipment such as a gown containing a gown liner and gloves. Travelers may need to fill out an international vaccination documentation form before travelling to certain countries. In addition, there are other ways to ensure one is not exposed to harmful parasites while travelling outside the United States.

Travelers should be advised that they may need additional documentation of recovery from travel-related illnesses or injuries. These documents should be collected before departure and should be included with your travel itinerary. If a traveler’s doctor notes that you have a pre-existing medical condition, you will need to submit documentation of this condition before departure. This is necessary for passengers travelling to eligible countries for the treatment of a pre-existing condition or to recover from injuries or illnesses brought into the country. This documentation can also include information on vaccinations and testing.

All international air passengers are required by law to ensure they are screened for contagious diseases. The screening requirements depend on the country you are travelling to and will vary according to the severity of the condition. For the traveler not carrying a vaccination or those travelling to low-risk countries, they will be required to undergo a three day re-screening at an accredited clinic. Those travelling to eligible countries will undergo a one day re-screening followed by a final examination at the airport.